
Board Meeting Recommendations

There are a few tricks you can follow to ensure that your meeting goes smoothly and efficiently, whether it’s a meeting in person in your boardroom or a remote meeting from your couch.

Punctuality and preparation — getting up on time and making sure that board members have https://surveyboardroom.com all the items they require prior to the meeting is the best way to get started. Agendas that are well-written and clear and distributing them in advance will aid in keeping the meeting focused on the key points that need to be addressed.

Avoid spending time on reports. Long reports can quickly drown the board’s conversation. Only discuss the committee and leadership reports during the board meeting when they are needed to make decisions or provide oversight. The rest can be handled by email or in smaller meetings.

Limit discussions of features and roadmaps for product -The direction of a company should not be based on what the CEO thinks the market wants. Concentrate on the reason you are taking certain steps when you have to discuss the product. This will help you stay on track and avoid the “Enron effect” in which the board is too detached and doesn’t notice any issues forming beneath the surface.

Schedule breaks for candor — These brief periods of silence will allow board members to discuss topics they aren’t comfortable discussing with their peers. They are often required to ensure that all viewpoints are heard and everyone feels at ease expressing their opinions.