
Best Practices for Data Rooms

A well-organized virtual repository is essential for any business, whether you’re making a pitch to investors, closing an M&A deal or sharing information with partners. Investors don’t have the time to search through a messy dump or deal with inconsistently formatted documents. They expect an expert presentation of sensitive information that is easy to read on any platform.

To streamline your workflow and provide third parties with the most accurate and up-to-date information, follow these best practices for your online repository:

Uploading and Organizing Files

Use operating procedures to decide what documents should be placed in the VDR, and what they should be called. The consistent folder and name structure help you locate and manage documents. Tags and metadata also provide information to documents, facilitating the search and filtering.

Permission Setting

Set permissions for various types of users (admins corporate employees investors, clients, etc.). to prevent unauthorized access and enhance the security of your repository. Fence view mode is a wonderful feature if you have highly sensitive or confidential information. It blocks users from downloading documents and printing them, saving them, or even taking photographs.

Monitoring Activity

You must ensure that Home Page you have an audit log that is secure from tampering activities within your VDR by setting up customizable reports that are sent to project managers in key positions on a recurring schedule. For example, FirmRoom provides reporting that includes detailed analytics for documents that make it easy for teams to track the user’s involvement with the repository. This helps to ensure better follow-up and efficient communication with stakeholders.